"Oh Next Year We Should…”

At Startup weekend Evansville, we have “The Book.” As our event happens, we record all of the “Oh next year we should…” moments. It’s a brilliant plan and it works. This year’s event was really smooth.



Really, how many of you reading this are event organizers? How many of you attend events? A much higher hand count I assume. I want to share with you the simple little things I have added to my ongoing conference list based on my attendance at the #EVSCREV13 conference I attended for the past two days.  You may not be an educator, but learning how to create these ongoing next year or next time lists for any event is a useful skill.


  • an extra pair of shoes
  • a water bottle that can be filled at water fountains (one with a clip to attach it to a bag is preferred.)
  • an extra foldable bag
  • chap stick
  • Band-Aids
  • cash- *I don’t’ carry it often and needed it on more than one occasion this weekend
  • small extension cord
  • power bars (both to eat and to plug in your tech)
  • chargers for everything
  • your business cards
  • something to keep the business cards that you have collected in