#SocialSuccess – Facebook Video Upload vs YouTube

Today on 44 News This Morning I talk with Melissa Schroeder about which is better: Posting a link to YouTube


Uploading your video Directly to Facebook.

Watch to find out how to get the maximum impact from your videos!

Facebook Video Posting – 44News This MorningSocial Success: Talking about the value of posting videos directly to Facebook for maximum impact on 44News This Morning.

Thanks to @DanaMNelson and St. Mary’s Hospital and Medical Center: Evansville, IN.

Posted by 44News This Morning on Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Oh Next Year We Should…”

At Startup weekend Evansville, we have “The Book.” As our event happens, we record all of the “Oh next year we should…” moments. It’s a brilliant plan and it works. This year’s event was really smooth.



Really, how many of you reading this are event organizers? How many of you attend events? A much higher hand count I assume. I want to share with you the simple little things I have added to my ongoing conference list based on my attendance at the #EVSCREV13 conference I attended for the past two days.  You may not be an educator, but learning how to create these ongoing next year or next time lists for any event is a useful skill.


  • an extra pair of shoes
  • a water bottle that can be filled at water fountains (one with a clip to attach it to a bag is preferred.)
  • an extra foldable bag
  • chap stick
  • Band-Aids
  • cash- *I don’t’ carry it often and needed it on more than one occasion this weekend
  • small extension cord
  • power bars (both to eat and to plug in your tech)
  • chargers for everything
  • your business cards
  • something to keep the business cards that you have collected in


“Oh Next Year We Should…”

At Startup weekend Evansville, we have “The Book.” As our event happens, we record all of the “Oh next year we should…” moments. It’s a brilliant plan and it works. This year’s event was really smooth.



Really, how many of you reading this are event organizers? How many of you attend events? A much higher hand count I assume. I want to share with you the simple little things I have added to my ongoing conference list based on my attendance at the #EVSCREV13 conference I attended for the past two days.  You may not be an educator, but learning how to create these ongoing next year or next time lists for any event is a useful skill.


  • an extra pair of shoes
  • a water bottle that can be filled at water fountains (one with a clip to attach it to a bag is preferred.)
  • an extra foldable bag
  • chap stick
  • Band-Aids
  • cash- *I don’t’ carry it often and needed it on more than one occasion this weekend
  • small extension cord
  • power bars (both to eat and to plug in your tech)
  • chargers for everything
  • your business cards
  • something to keep the business cards that you have collected in


Bringing the Training to You…

NKTC will offer a Social Media Training to include Prezi and Pinterest on March 21, 2013.


The training will take place in Union County at the United Community Bank.  This will be a two-part training with a morning session and afternoon session – you can sign up for one or the other or both.

Prezi Presentations: Go beyond PowerPoint

As a professional, you want to make the best impression with your presentations. Prezi isn’t just another slide presentation software. It’s an animated presentation that zooms, rotates, and keeps your audience interested. Available for free as an internet download, anyone can use this innovative and intriguing software to add a more modern, energetic feel to their presentation or slide show. Your audience will be wowed!

9:00 am – 12 Noon   NKTC Members:  $65  Non-Members: $120


Pintrest As A Business Tool

If your brand isn’t on Pinterest, you could be missing out on a growing stream of potential customers.

Discover the ins and outs of Pinterest, a content sharing service that allows members to “pin” images, videos and other objects to their pinboard. Pinterest also includes standard social networking features allowing users to spread the word about products and services. Learn about the site’s user base and popular categories and how to include your brand to get maximum exposure

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm   NKTC Members: $65  Non-Members: $120


***  If you want to sign up for both sessions there will be a special rate of $100 for NKTC members and $200 for Non-members.

For more information on joining NKTC, go to www.nktc.org or contact Elllen.  Thank you for your interest and if there are any other trainings that you would like offered in your county – Let us know!


***  10% discount for 3 or more signing up from one company!

To sign up or for questions please call : Ellen Redding  270-826-7505


Hope to see you there!

Droid Razr Maxx – Never Want to let You go…

When I first got the call to test the Droid Razr Maxx, of course I said yes, but wasn’t overly excited as this is not a new phone. It has been on the market since October. I have several close friends who have this phone and have overall loved it. But the things they didn’t love could be deal breakers for me. Many of them have had similar problems, so I was eager to test those problems for myself.

Hold onto your seat.

The first thing I noticed was, this phone was lightning fast. The screen was very sensitive, and in turn very responsive, which added to the perception of speed. Going from app to app, sending text or calls were all done smoothly. As the current phone I carry every day has gotten slower and slower, the speed felt even greater to me. I’m not the only one who has observed its speed, so I’m sure it’s not a completely biased opinion.

Battery life.

Live long and prosper. Well, live long and get stuff done. I used the heck out of this phone. I’m generally not easy on phone batteries, but I put this one through the ringer. Spotify while I worked, sending e-mails, reading twitter, playing games (hey, what better way to run down your battery than to play games right?), endlessly looking at pictures on Facebook and Instagram. Only once during my 2 1/2 weeks with this phone did the battery run out of juice on me, but that was probably my fault for not charging it the night before.


Cameras are important to me, and I think everyone is at this point. Who really wants to carry around a phone and a point-and-shoot? We have come to expect the camera quality of our phone to be comparable to our point and shoots which are now collecting dust on our desks. And this one definitely is. I was impressed with both the video, and the photo quality on the front facing camera. And I love the lens on the rear facing camera. I’m short, I have short arms. This means I can’t take photos of myself and my girlfriends by holding the phone out and shooting a picture even with the rear facing camera, which is available on many phones. On this one however, the angle of the lens allows for a much broader picture, which means I don’t have to hold my arm out as far which is good because it only goes so far anyway.


“I love my droid, but it drops data.” A statement I hear quite often. So I was really concerned, yet eager to try this particular feature. I used the data in several capacities. I used standard data heavy operations such as Spotify, YouTube, and Netflix. I also requested that the hotspot be turned on and I tested the data responsiveness of the hotspot. For both uses I had zero problems. As long as I was in a facility that had good network coverage (I have meetings in several buildings that I swear have wireless blocking devices installed, or they’re built out of lead.) It didn’t drop the data. I had one instance when I had difficulty connecting to the hotspot. But after rebooting the phone (which was much faster than my current phone) I was able to connect with no issue. On average, when I was in a 4G area I pulled down anywhere from 10 to 13.1 MB.

Screen resolution

The clarity and feel of the screen was amazing. However, that’s my biggest drawback to this phone is screen scare. On average the cost to replace the screen, should you crack or shatter it, is more than the cost of the iPhone screen. But my overall recommendations for this phone far outweigh my fear of a cracked screen. Perhaps the solution here is to just box it up. Otter Box that is.

Hard to let go.

I almost cried the day I had to pack this beauty up in the box to send it back to Verizon. But as my representative at Verizon pointed out, I would be getting my very own the next day. You see, I loved this phone so much that I got one for myself. Now this phone is the phone I carry every day. I’m not easily sold on phones, but with fast response, long battery life and the beautiful screen, it was really a no-brainer for me. I had to have it.

Gallery post format

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Image format post

Donec dictum libero vel orci malesuada mattis. Suspendisse libero ante, varius ac laoreet vel, blandit eget lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed porta, arcu sit amet consequat fermentum, erat est ullamcorper tortor, sed eleifend urna dolor vitae sem.