NKTC will offer a Social Media Training to include Prezi and Pinterest on March 21, 2013.
The training will take place in Union County at the United Community Bank. This will be a two-part training with a morning session and afternoon session – you can sign up for one or the other or both.
Prezi Presentations: Go beyond PowerPoint
As a professional, you want to make the best impression with your presentations. Prezi isn’t just another slide presentation software. It’s an animated presentation that zooms, rotates, and keeps your audience interested. Available for free as an internet download, anyone can use this innovative and intriguing software to add a more modern, energetic feel to their presentation or slide show. Your audience will be wowed!
9:00 am – 12 Noon NKTC Members: $65 Non-Members: $120
Pintrest As A Business Tool
If your brand isn’t on Pinterest, you could be missing out on a growing stream of potential customers.
Discover the ins and outs of Pinterest, a content sharing service that allows members to “pin” images, videos and other objects to their pinboard. Pinterest also includes standard social networking features allowing users to spread the word about products and services. Learn about the site’s user base and popular categories and how to include your brand to get maximum exposure
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm NKTC Members: $65 Non-Members: $120
*** If you want to sign up for both sessions there will be a special rate of $100 for NKTC members and $200 for Non-members.
For more information on joining NKTC, go to www.nktc.org or contact Elllen. Thank you for your interest and if there are any other trainings that you would like offered in your county – Let us know!
*** 10% discount for 3 or more signing up from one company!
To sign up or for questions please call : Ellen Redding 270-826-7505
Hope to see you there!