Book Review: Hi-Cat

Book Review

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review. More than a few years. I agreed to read two books pre-publication and review them. Life happens, and you forget things until they pop back up in the form of a calendar notification or an email. I realized I would be getting both books about the same time. I knew I would be excited about reading one of the author’s book. I’ve read, blogged, tweeted, and given out his books on a regular basis. I didn’t really know what to expect with the other author. So I made a deal with myself: read them in the order you receive them. Problem solved.


I got the other one first, by less than a day.

A deal is a deal. Now I have both books. One I know is going to be what I want; what I need to hear. That’s always been my experience reading works by this author. As the universe would have it, I got the other one first. I didn’t know what it was about, what kind of “messages” would be inside, or have any expectations. It’s written by a local pastor.


Why did I agree to do this anyway?

I didn’t – I asked to read it. Why? The name, well the subtitle really. Hi-Cat: What Can’t Happen At Camp David Just Did. And the cover: there are two men on the cover, one a Marine and one in the Navy. I have a military and presidential family history. I have heard story after story from my grandfather about President Eisenhower and family. He was their personal photographer. I know the old cliche, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” I did. I saw the cover on Facebook and just knew I had to read it.


So what did I think?

I told you, I started it with the feeling of… drudgery? I wanted to read the other one first. Right off the bat, in the section “ONE WORD OF STRONG CAUTION” in the first line I actually breathed a sigh as he says “Most of my previous books have been devotional or self-help in nature. This is neither.” Wait, why a sigh? I’m a Christian, and I don’t mind a good devotional or self-help book? I guess I just wasn’t feeling like being preached at. If I am being honest, I think that’s the truth behind my dread. So first sentence – we’re good. In that section he also explains that this book isn’t unicorns and roses. My words, not his. It’s a graphic book. There’s murder, suicide, talk of rape, and some other messiness that is life. He offers that if this offends or upsets you to stop reading. Nice. I’ve more than once been knee-deep in a book or show and had some really unexpected “plot twist” made me more than uncomfortable.


“A Personal Note”

As you begin the book, it actually starts off with “A Personal Note.” He explains what this book is and is not. He doesn’t try to hide or surprise you with his message. He tells you straight up front. Then he does this: “But before you check out, I’m throwing down the gauntlet:

Try me. Let me take you on this one-of-a-kind ride. Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, skeptic – whatever. Even if you dislike my Best Friend, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make it worth your while.”


I was torn between “this guys got a big ego” and “hell yeah! Preach it brother!”



The book starts off with an equally disturbing and beautiful prologue. It’s set in Indiana in the spring. The way Stephen describes the scenes it’s like I’m right there, like in my front yard. “The intoxicating perfume of a nearby planting of pink peonies wafts in…” Then in my backyard “…he stumbles as the footing changes from Bluegrass to a thick, springy Zoysia.” The prologue ends, and you are left feeling like “uhh wow, next chapter please.”


The rest of the book

I really liked how it was laid out. (I know this is pre-publication, so it might change some.) The super short sections made this an overall great read for people who “don’t have time to read.” It gives you quick little sections that make it easy to read in between life. Except there is one problem – you just don’t want to put it down.


The book dives into what seems to be a completely different book than the prologue. I read the first few sections, then flipped back to the prologue to try to make it fit. I finally let it go because I was so wrapped up in the humor, dialogue, and predicaments of the new characters.  I found it interesting how much I was drawn into each one; they could easily be a main character in their own book, right down to the waiter, Zee.



Stephen was right: he definitely made the read worth while. I giggled when I read Zee talking about another book “killed me to put it down, but I had to catch some shuteye so I could show up for work this mornin’,” because that was exactly how I felt. After the first few pages, I quickly forgot that deal I’d made with myself. I wanted to read this book, and I’m sure you will too!


*I didn’t get paid to write this blog. I was given a copy of the book. After publication I will update this blog with a link to buy the book. You can thank me for it after you read it.


Why Wait?

I had a conversation at the airport with someone about the big lottery a few weeks ago. He was reflecting on what he would do with the money, and then he said something that struck me.
“That’s really why we play the lottery. It lets us dream.”

Wait. Why do we need a piece of paper with numbers to dream?

I say keep buying your dream numbers if that’s what it takes to get your creative brain to think about what you truly want out of life.
But why wait? Do it now.
Challenge yourself. What would you buy? Why? What would you do if you were not required to be at a J.O.B. daily?

Get creative, have fun, and really put yourself there.

Now, what’s holding you back? If what you wake up to daily is not what you love, change it. If you would buy a big plot of land and have five buildings, bust your ass and find a way. Maybe you don’t do it all in one shot, but you could get the land first, pay it off, and build your dream place one building at a time.

If your heart, your passion, your love, and your values are not what you do for work, find a new one or do your own thing.

We get stuck in the rut of what society says is normal. Job, car, mortgage.

“I won’t be conforming to the working man’s monotony” From Rain by Ben Badger

Ben BadgerIf you’re into traveling but your job only lets you travel on vacations the one or two weeks a year that you have vacation days, get a job that requires you to travel. Save your points and go where the road and your heart lead on your days off or build in days while you are already there. Here’s an idea: skip the house, get an RV, and take off on a journey working as you go or create a way to earn your money while you travel.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting that you walk into work tomorrow and tell your boss what you really think. I’m not gonna lie, this road is not an easy one. You’ll have people tell you that you are crazy and to get your head out of the sky. You may have to work that job you hate five days a week and another job at night and on the weekends. You may have to be a mom, balancing your time between work and family and friends while you go to school online or at night. *SIDE NOTE: This one section here is another whole blog on its own. I really feel the need to give more disclaimers about making sacrifices and going for it. In the entrepreneurial community, I think there is a lack of thought toward being okay with not making it before you try and make it.

You jump when you can afford to drown” Gary Vaynerchuck (look for that blog soon!)

When you’re in the “I’m doing this, digging in the trenches” mode, you are going to get tired. You are going to hit walls. You will face things that will make you question what the hell you’re doing.

Don’t quit. Don’t give in. Plant your feet. Ground your emotions. Pull out your dream paper. Remind yourself what you want, why you want it, and get back to work, busting your ass and making it happen.

Look at your bigger picture and look how far you have come. Don’t let a minor setback derail your whole dream.

One last thought. You can’t do this alone.

A single warrior doesn’t win a battle. Surround yourself with people. The kind of people who breathe life into your soul, not the kind the suck the life out of you. Diversify your personal circle. Find people who are smarter than you, people who are talented in different ways than you. People who will inspire, not tear down. People who will ask you the toughest questions and hold you accountable.

If you don’t know those people, find them. We live in a digitally connected world. Find inspiration and strength in the books you read, the podcasts you listen to, the people you follow on social media. (On that last one. Don’t just follow. Engage and connect. Reach out to the author you just read or the speaker you just heard and let them know they inspired you. Ask them questions, talk to the unreachable. They might surprise you.)

Feed your soul

Read books! In your field, about business, about social media, and throw in a nonfiction every now and then.


Podcasts! Man, they are everywhere on every subject. Listen when you wait, listen when you drive, listen while you’re working that gotta do job until you get to your wanna do life.

Music! Music feeds your mood and your soul. Have a variety of playlists. Work, workout, dream, inspiration, have one for all your moods.

Write! Maybe you’re not a writer. Many people find journaling to be healing. Recording thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, and lessons learned. There are also people who have to physically write. Use a google doc, use evernote, heck just use your word processor. As digitally connected as I am, I still use a paper journal.

You be you. Dream big, reach high,
and go get what you want from life.

Alert: Facebook Messenger Scam

It’s a new year, and scammers are hitting it hard.  At least these old dogs don’t have any new tricks. Why? Because we fall for the same old crap over and over again. Don’t let this be you.


It’s easy to think you might know them.

I received a Facebook Messenger request from someone that I thought I knew from a private group that I belong to. It said we had six common friends, so I accepted the Messenger request.


Usually there are clues that something isn’t as it seems.

My very first clue that this was going south was that I could not find a profile for this person. On a phone when you hit the three dots in Messenger, one of the options should be “View Profile.” So I went to my computer to try to find this person. Again, in Messenger on Facebook from your computer, you should be able to click on the person’s name and see their profile. Instead when I click on the link to their name, it pulls up the message in full-screen Messenger.


Clue number two: the English made very little sense.


Clue number three: the person’s job title was Facebook’s Online Coordinator. As opposed to Facebook’s In-Real-Life-Person Coordinator? Online seems a little bit obvious to have for a Facebook job title, don’t you think?


Do your homework.

I decided to play along a little bit just to see what they are after. While carefully answering some of their questions and not giving away any information, I answered  with questions like, “What do you need?” and “What do you want?”  I Googled “Facebook Online Coordinator.” Like I said, this isn’t new. The first thing that pops up is a report from Scam Trends – from 2012!


Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Turns out I won the Facebook Lottery! “500,000,00 US dollars “

All I have to do is provide my

Full name
Home address
Gmail address
Phone number
Zip code


Everything a little scammer needs to steal your identity.


Don’t be a victim.

People , please don’t fall for this crap. Make sure that your less technologically savvy friends and family are aware that this does happen. (Share this post and make sure they understand how to handle a spammer.)


Get protected.

And finally make sure you have something like ID Shield to protect you and your family’s information online, including social media.


If you’re ever unsure whether someone is spamming you or not, they probably are.

Don’t be afraid to make someone angry by denying messenger requests.

Never give out your info or say yes to any of their requests.

After I told him no, he demanded that I give him the info now. I then reported this to Facebook and blocked him. In reality, you really shouldn’t interact with a scammer. There are ways to get your IP address and through that your physical address. It’s not being paranoid, it’s being safe.

Beautiful Design and Out of This World Camera Features Make the Galaxy S7 a Winner


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It is no secret that I’m a fan of Samsung products. I reviewed almost all of the Samsung Galaxy S models, falling in love with each one more deeply than the last. So what’s new with the Samsung Galaxy S7 by Verizon? Plenty! There are so many new features and so many new things to cover.

Beautiful Design

Let’s start with the looks. Just wow. It’s by far one of the most beautiful phones on the market. I was given the gold, model which really is more like a platinum color, to test and it’s just a gorgeous phone. Of course, most people put their phones in case and that covers up much of the beauty of the phone. But I found a workaround. The day I sent the phone back to FedEx, I purchased the same phone. I put the gold S7 in a clear case by Speck, which is “Military-Grade protection that meets or exceeds MIL-STD-810G drop Tested standards.” I also applied a Zagg Invisibleshield Glass screen protector. Love the lifetime guarantee on this product. If you scratch or chip the glass, they will send you a new one!  

In just 24 hours, at least 10 people commented on how beautiful my phone is.

Camera: Dual-pixel technology

The camera is by far my favorite most useful feature on this phone.

Most smartphones take beautiful photos. It’s just a given. So what makes this one unique? Dual-pixel technology.  What is that? Well, previously you only found this in DSLR cameras. This is the first instance of dual-pixel technology in a smartphone. What does that mean for you? You can leave the DSLR and your iPhone at home.

But seriously.  For you, it means rapid auto-focus, which gives you faster shooting capabilities while producing premium image quality, even in low light situations. At the private Samsung party held at the Evansville Verizon Wireless store, the Samsung rep did a great job demonstrating this. She challenged one of the guests with an iPhone to a shoot out. The true-to-color difference was incredible. The zoom was way better and there just was no comparison in the low light test.

nαтαℓιє ʝσѕт on Twitter

Samsung cameras are way better than my iPhone. #VZEvansville

The Galaxy S7 is the first smartphone with dual-pixel technology, so it captures better photos in low-light environments and focuses faster than the blink of an eye.

The golden sun made it look more yellow. White magnolia.

See this Instagram photo by @danamnelson * 7 likes

I love to take photos of flowers. I also like getting really close. In the past I have found this to be challenging. If the flower moves at all in the wind, the shot is blurry. I usually back out farther than I want and zoom in. It helps getting clearer, more in-focus photos. With this camera, I was snapping pics all over the place in high winds and really close up. The dual-pixel technology was able to grab the image and take clear, close-range shots that were moving!

The wind was blowing. No time to focus, yet the result is stunning. #nofilter @SamsungMobileUS #S7

See this Instagram photo by @danamnelson * 7 likes

Camera: Add ons There are some amazing camera add ons that you can download from the Samsung store. They are free, but you do need a Samsung account, which is also free. I want to cover two of them for you. Animated GIF camera and the Surround Shot. There are some others that are well worth the time to investigate – these were just my favorite. Camera: Animated GIF20160417_153046 Ok – I have to admit something. When GIFs started making a comeback I was a tad worried. I remember a time when GIF on your website was all the rage… Wait! What? Some are still around? Ok, so this is what I was afraid of: I also confess that even as a tech person, I find making your own GIFs time consuming and annoying. There are more and more programs out there that will let you make them, but uploading them is often a challenge.  The Animated GIF app is a free download that is so super-simple to use. You just hold down the shutter button and the phone automatically stitches them together. Go to the gallery and share on your favorite social network, or email it to a friend. Camera: Surround Shot At the Verizon store, they showed us a virtual tour of a local area using the Gear VR and the Samsung Galaxy S7.  The sales rep told us about Surround Shot. Again, it’s a free app that you download. Capturing a Surround Shot is easy, but takes some patience. It shows you a grid with a circle and a dot. When you pan the camera over to get the dot right in the center of the circle, the camera captures an image. Then the grid has blue arrows showing you which way to go to get the next dot in the circle. You go all the way around in a circle. Once an initial 360 degree shot is taken, you start over moving up or down on the grid until you have captured the entire view. This can be viewed on the phone or used in the Gear VR.   Surround Shot: An issue I first noticed that when you try to text or email a Surround Shot, it sends it as a really flat squishy .jpg. I looked online and didn’t find much. This blog by Alex Dobie was the best I found. He suggests that you share it to Google +, which converts it and maintains the image. 

Dana M. Nelson – Google+


Camera: Double Tap to Take a Shot

Ever needed to take a photos really quickly, you grab your phone and unlock, only it doesn’t? So you do it again and this time you opened another app because you were stil swiping and it had already opened. Then you finally get the camera open and your shot is gone. Sound familiar? The Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S7, and the Galaxy S7 edge all have the double tap to take a shot feature. You simply hit the home button 2 times and your camera is open and ready.

S6 Issues Resolved

Remember my S6 review? It was a deal breaker for me for a phone not have an SD card. The S7 has a SD card slot! And with this camera, you are going to need it! I also only noticed a few times, and only with continuous use, did it get hot. Well done Samsung!

As you noticed, I had to buy it. I was so impressed with the photos, ease of use, and the beauty of this phone, I just had to own it. If you are looking to upgrade to a really powerful phone, the Samsung Galaxy S7 is my top pick! Click here to view the current deals for Verizon that make buying this phone a little easier.



How Do You Treat Your Champions?

What is a Brand Champion?Cheer

Brand Champions are some of the most valuable assets a business can have. You know the people that love love love you, tell all their friends and family, maybe they write a blog post, tweet, or share photos of your brand or product on social channels.

And that – that is HUGE. A digital Brand Champion who is willing to stand on the digital rooftops and share about you are is more influential than all your paid advertising.  See, as consumers, when we are look at new things to buy, we trust the recommendations of our friends more than the paid advertising spots.

Do you even know who your Brand Champions are?

If you haven’t already, look at who is opening, sharing, and forwarding your email newsletters. Keep a list. Look at who is tweeting, @mentioning you, and sharing your posts. Keep a list. Look at who is sending you referrals on a regular basis. Keep a list.

How do you treat them?

Do you say thank you? Do you retweet, repost, or @mention them on occasion? Do you offer them specials or VIP access to things? Maybe send them some swag? You should. They are fan-freaking-tastic. The influence they have on your potential new customers is priceless.

Want more Brand Champions?

See above. The point is, if you cultivate relationships with the people that are your biggest brand advocates, they will keep doing it. Passion is contagious. Ever notice on Facebook the one thing that 16 people shared? One person was passionate about something enough to share it. That passion compelled another person, and so on and so forth. So, in the big picture of things, if you cultivate the relationship of a few Brand Champions, you can exponentially increase your reach to many.

What went wrong?

If you’re thinking – “People used to love my company. What went wrong?” I ask you,  how did you treat your Brand Champions?  What did you do when your biggest brand advocate had an issue or a problem? Did you go out of your way to make it right? Or, are your britches so big that you said – “Eh, so what? It’s one account, one sale. So what if you go to my competitor?”

I had this happen to me twice in one day! Two separate companies (that don’t pay me or give me anything, yet I regularly give them digital love) both said “Nope that’s the rule, I won’t budge.” I was shocked.
Here’s the thing – if a client is willing to give you a chance to make it right, take it. Most will just leave. If you do make it right, the love they have for you will increase. If you don’t work with them to make them happy, you’re not losing a just a customer. You’ve lost a Champion. Think about that. If they go to a competitor and your competitor is good to them, your competitor didn’t just get a new customer. They probably got your Champion to root for them now.

H Schultz quote

Businesses: Overcome Your Personality Disorder

Guest Post today by Jeremy Secrest

“Wah, wah, wah.” – all the grownups in the Charlie Brown shows.

Is that what your potential customers are hearing when you talk? Are they not connecting with your message?

Maybe your personality (or lack of one) is getting in the way.

Personality can seem like a fluffy term for business. It can come across like a trust fall or some of the more odd team-building exercises.

Yet, your customer has a personality.

And so do you.


Your customer is a person. And so are you.

And unless you’re selling to robots, people connect with people.

People who need people.


People have personalities.


Discovering and defining your brand’s personality is key to understanding how to best connect with your customer.

Not in a smarmy, leisure suit kind of way.

In a people kind of way.

The way you communicate through your emails, sales messages, advertising and social media needs to match who you are. It needs to resonate.

Just like a bookish introvert looks awkward trying to be the life of the party (so I’ve heard), you’ll look awkward if your messaging doesn’t fit who you are. Or sounds like a robot.

You’re not talking with robots.

You’re talking with people who have a desire that you’re working to help them achieve.

To connect with them, the way you communicate needs to be really clear. Which helps them understand how you can help them find what they’re looking for.

Personality helps clarify your message and connect the dots to connecting with your customers.BrandTellShare_Square

How do you discover your brand’s personality?

Check out #brandtellshare, a workshop on messaging, media and marketing April 12 with Dana Nelson, Damon Hancock, and Erin Bemis at Fat Head Media. One day. $99. Learn more and register at

Not ready for that, but still want to learn more? Get a free branding starter guide at

Jeremy Secrest is Director of Marketing & Development at the Evansville Christian Life Center and founder of

#SocialSuccess What is Facebook Live?

Today on 44 News This Morning I talk with Melissa Schroeder about the new Facebook Live feature (for iphone users only at this time.)

Social Success on 44News This Morning@DanaMNelson stopped by to explain Facebook Live on this week’s edition of #SocialSuccess.

Posted by 44News This Morning on Friday, February 5, 2016

What made this more fun? My intern from the University of Southern Indiana, Jenna was broadcasting / recording the whole interview on Facebook Live. Watch it here:

We are live at 44News This Morning talking about the new Facebook live video feature

Posted by Dana Nelson on Thursday, February 4, 2016


#SocialSuccess – Facebook Video Upload vs YouTube

Today on 44 News This Morning I talk with Melissa Schroeder about which is better: Posting a link to YouTube


Uploading your video Directly to Facebook.

Watch to find out how to get the maximum impact from your videos!

Facebook Video Posting – 44News This MorningSocial Success: Talking about the value of posting videos directly to Facebook for maximum impact on 44News This Morning.

Thanks to @DanaMNelson and St. Mary’s Hospital and Medical Center: Evansville, IN.

Posted by 44News This Morning on Thursday, January 28, 2016

Facebook’s New “Pick Friends” Feature

Have you seen Facebook’s new “Pick Friends” feature? Facebook is messing with the algorithms again and rolling out a number of new features that will help them better understand what you want in your newsfeed. One of these changes is simple; you should see a box like the one below pop-up in your news feed. Simply pick your top 30 people, and Facebook will make sure next time you look at Facebook, the first posts you see are anything posted by one of those 30 people.

Pick Friends

It appears to be different than the “get notifications” feature, which is still active. So, if you’re stalking someone and get notifications for every post, no need to add them to the top of the feed. (Or if you were using the notifications feature to make sure you saw most of your boss’s or best friend’s posts, you can turn off notifications and add them to your ‘prioritize who you see first’ list.  This will save you some notification headaches.

If you don’t see this in your timeline, or you want to change your top 30 people, simply go to the top right of your Facebook page in the blue bar, and click the lock icon with the 3 bars – this will give you a drop down menu. Choose the “News Feed Preferences” item and you’ll see the pop-up below. Click to select or unselect people or pages.

Untitled image (1)FB menu w arrow