Businesses: Overcome Your Personality Disorder

Guest Post today by Jeremy Secrest

“Wah, wah, wah.” – all the grownups in the Charlie Brown shows.

Is that what your potential customers are hearing when you talk? Are they not connecting with your message?

Maybe your personality (or lack of one) is getting in the way.

Personality can seem like a fluffy term for business. It can come across like a trust fall or some of the more odd team-building exercises.

Yet, your customer has a personality.

And so do you.


Your customer is a person. And so are you.

And unless you’re selling to robots, people connect with people.

People who need people.


People have personalities.


Discovering and defining your brand’s personality is key to understanding how to best connect with your customer.

Not in a smarmy, leisure suit kind of way.

In a people kind of way.

The way you communicate through your emails, sales messages, advertising and social media needs to match who you are. It needs to resonate.

Just like a bookish introvert looks awkward trying to be the life of the party (so I’ve heard), you’ll look awkward if your messaging doesn’t fit who you are. Or sounds like a robot.

You’re not talking with robots.

You’re talking with people who have a desire that you’re working to help them achieve.

To connect with them, the way you communicate needs to be really clear. Which helps them understand how you can help them find what they’re looking for.

Personality helps clarify your message and connect the dots to connecting with your customers.BrandTellShare_Square

How do you discover your brand’s personality?

Check out #brandtellshare, a workshop on messaging, media and marketing April 12 with Dana Nelson, Damon Hancock, and Erin Bemis at Fat Head Media. One day. $99. Learn more and register at

Not ready for that, but still want to learn more? Get a free branding starter guide at

Jeremy Secrest is Director of Marketing & Development at the Evansville Christian Life Center and founder of

Almost There…An Invitation…



If you have had me in class or follow me on social networks you know that I am a huge believer in Wayne Elsey, former CEO & founder of Soles4Souls, & author of the highly acclaimed book, “Almost Isn’t Good Enough.”   This  book has been such an inspiration to so many hard working, dedicated professionals, including myself, I would love to share what I’ve learned with you.  In his book, Wayne stresses the fact that  It’s all about the people.   It’s about making a difference. Yes it is written and geared toward NPO’s but the same principles apply in the business realm as well.


You deal with people. People are your life and your passion. You live to serve, & to make a difference, but the restraints of money, time and your board of directors are draining your passion.

If this is remotely how you feel, I invite you to join us for “Almost There”… a book discussion group where we will read thru “Almost isn’t Good Enough”  by Wayne Elsey.  It will be well worth your time, & refresh & inspire your mission as a servant leader.

The details are not all set. We need to know how many people are intersted, and what their schedules will allow for a meeting time.

Here is what we do know:

  • We will discuss the book and how it applies to YOUR situation.
  • 10 people will get a free hard cover book.
  • 5 people will get a free digital book.
  • Everyone will get a free study guide.
  • At the end we will have a live Google + hangout with Wayne.
  • Will be held in the greater Evansville area*
  • 6 weeks long with one 1.5 hour meeting per week
  • It’s free to attend.


If you are interested, please fill out this quick form and you will be contacted with more information soon.

*If you are NOT in the greater Evansville area and would like to attend or host an Almost There book disscussion in your area please fill out this quick form. We are working on some exciting resources, and will get them to you just as soon as they are available.

Determined to be the Solution

There are a lot of reasons people blog about Shaun King. He’s an entrepreneur. He’s a distinct voice in social media. He’s a walking miracle. He’s an advocate for courage.

This is not the first time I have blogged about Shaun. I first blogged about him because, late at night, a friend said, “if you are not, please pay attention to the tweets from Shaun right now.” What I saw moved me. It changed me. But it was in the middle of the night. I was afraid so many people would miss the moving message. I put that post on my tumblr blog, which I use more for personal and non-tech topics.

I am again sharing the story of what this “broken man” is doing in the world today. At least he posted this in the middle of the day. But broken up in the crowded twitter stream, I felt something got lost. I read it and wept.

I am choosing to put this on my business blog for four reasons.

  1. He is using social media to communicate, connect and raise awareness for a cause — 7 of them, in fact.
  2. I think it is important to highlight when someone is being effective in their social efforts. We can learn from what others are doing.
  3. I’ve not looked at data to support this, but I would bet that more of my professional blog followers are using geolocation services like Foursquare. Next time you check into a food place, remember Shaun’s reason #1 (read on to see what I’m talking about).
  4. I want the people and businesses that follow me to be aware of causes and problems in our world. I want them to understand that even if you can’t help by giving, you can help by reposting this story on your FB, twitter, LinkedIn, G+, e-mail lists, and anywhere you think people will read it. In Shaun’s words, “YOU have WAY more potential to radically change the world than you know. “

Historically I avoid topics that are “touchy.” I want you to read this not from any political standing, not from any religious perspective, but as a human being. Read his words and absorb the gravity of suffering that he is describing. Read his words and connect with some fellow human beings who are living in hell.


The following series of tweets are from @ShaunKing

Seriously powerful and moving.

<—-Blowing off the dust from my soapbox. Get ready. If you have truth allergies unfollow me for the next 15 minutes.

Is this mic on?

Right now. @ this moment. THOUSANDS of people (particularly babies) are dying of dehydration & starvation in Somalia. Worst famine in 30 yrs

Let me break down what is happening and give us all insight in to what we can do. Possibly the worst humanitarian crisis in our lifetime…

5 factors have caused what now equates to millions of people being severely malnourished and scores of needless deaths. Here they are…

First off, let me say that you need to care about this. We are citizens of this world & babies & pregnant moms are dying in droves.

5 Reasons why a Famine was just declared in Somalia (first in decades)…

5. The love of money is the root of all evil. Wherever starvation of this magnitude exists so does great corruption. Corrupt gov. there.

4. Three years ago Somalia barred ALL aid/relief organizations from the country. All of them.

3. Somalia (and the surrounding region) is experiencing a ONCE IN A LIFETIME drought. Bone dry. Everywhere. As far as you can go.

2. One million Somalians have, by foot started to flee the country, but found out that almost nobody wants them or can handle them.

Finally, the final reason this famine exists is personal…

1. A famine exists in Somalia b/c you & I don’t care enough. We eat like hogs & throw away half full bottles of water & ignore the world.


At the end of this conversation I will give you 4 news sources to read & 4 solutions, but let me press my case for a minute.

 I believe that God holds us accountable for what we do with what we know. You & I pretend way too much like we’re giving the world our best.

Are you listening? It’s about to get real.

I read this article. It hurt me. Moms and their families were starving to death and had no water so they started walking from Somalia to…

Kenya. It was brutal and harder than they expected. Took many moms 4 weeks to walk it. Thousands died on the walk alone. What i am about…

to say broke me down. Unable to carry their kids, mothers regularly sat their dying babies down and left them on the road. The journalist…

said that on 3 occasions he saw women near death show up @ the Kenyan border w/ dead babies strapped to their backs.

Let me give you four articles to read. You have to see this for yourself. It’s awful, but we can make a difference.

Please retweet my tweets and let’s begin making this crisis known. Please begin educating others with what I am telling you. It matters

Babies like him are arriving in the Dadaab Refugee camp in droves. They mainly die once they arrive.

LA Times Article today from Robin Dixon on Somalia:

The best articles on the famine/drought in Somalia are coming from Al Jazeera. They have people there.

Please look @ all 15 of these pictures from Somalia in the NY Times. This is OUR WORLD!

We are discussing starting an @TwitChange campaign for Somalia. Something bigger than we’ve ever done.

Here are the 4 organizations that I know are on the ground in Somalia and particularly in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya (Ground Zero).

Doctors w/o Borders. They are on the frontlines w/ the famine in Somalia.

UNICEF is there right now doing great work.

OXFAM is giving the crisis in Somalia their best shot:

That’s all for now. Please be determined to be the solution for Somalia & people that are hurting all over the world. Be courageous. -Shaun

Follow him on

“The Creed Official” : Rules for online (and offline)

You know how a quote from a person long dead can sometimes apply to today’s current situation, even though nothing that involves the current situation was even invented at the time of the original speech?

I had one of those moments this past week.I was volunteering at Patchwork Central last week, and every day as we read “The Creed Official” out loud, I kept thinking how appropriately it fits our online lives.

“The Creed Official”

Listen and be safe

Online LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN… it’s never all about you. Listen for feedback and ideas from your customers. Listen to what people are saying about your competitors. Listen to what people need, and develop accordingly.



Follow directions and stay with your group

This is my favorite. Most online platforms have terms of service, or directions that you must follow. Many companies don’t follow the guidelines on facbook in particular.

Be nice and respectful

Yes, if a company truly deserves to be called out, call them out, but do so with respect. As BGKahuna said, Let’s Cut People Some Slack.

Use good manners

This is one I’ve wanted to touch on for a while. If someone talks to you, it’s good manners to reply. If they say or do something nice, it’s good manners to say thank you. Many businesses using social think it’s another way to share a message with its consumers, and it is. The difference is, consumers are talking back. Are you listening and using good manners, or ignoring the people who keep you in business?

Have a good attitude

No one likes a whiner. If you’re always telling the world how bad your life is, who would want to be near you? If your employees have a poor attitude online, what does that say about you and your company? (Do you even know what they’re saying?)

Be respectful of others’ art

This goes for any type of content. Don’t plagiarize someone’s blog, use photos without credit, or disrespect someone online. First, it just makes you look bad. Second, there can be very real and serious consequences.

Keep your hands to yourself

Don’t be a creeper. I tease many friends that they are “twitter voyeurs.” By this I mean they rarely tweet, they just use twitter to get news and updates.  Don’t be creepy online.

Do your best and have fun

It doesn’t matter if you’re not great at composing tweets or blogs at first. Start small, ask for help, do your best, and have fun!

Use nice words – no cursing

I’ve seen people tweet their way out of a job because of the vulgarities of their twitter stream. I’ve seen teachers and youth leaders be poor examples to kids, with foul posts. Really, if you are trying to build your brand online, (See Branding Yourself for more on how to do that.) refrain from overly harsh language.

4 ways to Use Your Influence to Help


Do more than like

Like is good, but show the love

As more and more people flock to social media sites, like facebook, twittter, and youtube to get daily and in some cases hourly dose and over doses of information input, so too are businesses and not for profits following along. Go where the people are right?

As one of the people that not for profits are following to your favorite social site in hopes to get your attention, how can you use your influence to help?

Like is not enough

Ok, you band, youth group, club, church or other not for profit is on facebook and they asked you to like them. Great. But that’s not enough. Granted they’re going to have to provide good content and keep you informed. But other than just seeing it in your stream, what good does this do them?

1.  Share

If they share you share. Whether it’s a blog on the latest update, a picture of a cool event, or a link to a story written about them, share it on your platforms. And while you’re at it switch it up. If you want to truly leverage your influence, take what your NFP posted on fb and share it on twitter, or Linkedin. By mixing up the platforms you help your cause reach a greater audience both for that event or post and for greater awareness.

2. Support by attending

Was that a call to action they posted? Attend the event as a participant. If you use geolocation, check in and let people know your there and the details they need to do the same. Post pictures of you and the event on your social platforms.

3. Offer to help

Contact your NFP and ask if you can help. Sometimes one more set of hands is exactly what is needed. Offer your connections. Maybe it is an event that needs businesses to sponsor or support it. Offer to contact a few of your connections to present the opportunity.  Just as in selling, a warm introduction is always more profitable than a cold call. Don’t forget to post pictures.

4. Tell your story

Why do you support them? What did they do to win you over? If you, a family member or close friend has been impacted by a service or program from your favorite NFP, consider telling your story. Post it on your personal, or company blog. Don’t have one? Write it out anyway, and send it to them.


No matter how you do it, do more than like.