I found today on one of my social networks, the head of a large corporation had made a post. He didn’t boast about how wonderful their products are, even though they are. He didn’t boast about their customer service and a care that you receive, although it’s the best. And he didn’t talk about how much effort and energy they put into making sure each of their locations has what they need to succeed as individual businesses, even though they do.
He instead used his social network to reach out.
He took his reach, his influence, and took opportunity to ask for prayer. The prayer was for someone in his network, a friend in his business. It was an employee.
He used his social influence to ask for prayer, care, consideration,
and uplifting thoughts for one of his employees.
He could have used that social network to post about all those previous things I mention. To me, as a consumer of that corporation’s product, it seems taking the time to show to you care about the people that you work with means just as much as knowing the greatness of their product.
You can be good on social platforms; you can hire someone to be good on social platforms for you.
- If you have an inferior product, or service, social media won’t help your business.
- If you don’t care about and respect your clients, social media won’t help your business.
- If you don’t care and respect the people that make your business function:
Social media has the power to truly break your business.
Use your influence in meaningful ways.
Focus on your product, your customer service and your employees, first- other wise, using social might not help.