Stop Worrying About Eyeballs &Start Caring About People

I had the privilege to see Steve Radick twice during his visit to Indiana, when he spoke at USI’s “The Impact of Social Media of Communications”  

Below are some of the nuggets I pulled from the keynote address:   

 (And video of the entire presentation is below the nuggets)   

  • Be aware of your personal brand 100% of the time. Physical or online.
  • @garyvee– told me “Be you 100% of the time.” :: Don’t have 2 profiles.  Be comfortable with who you are.  Be self aware.
  • Relationships matter.
  • Be good to people.
  • I can teach you twitter, I can’t teach you basic communication principles.
  • No excuses. You had the opportunity to do it, and you didn’t.
  • If you’re a bad person. Get good or get offline.
  • Stop throwing your business card at me!
  • Twitter is a valid communications medium. The white house uses it….
  • For 100s of hundreds of people have fought to have a voice. Now you can start a blog, and you’re not taking a part of it. You have a say in how your brand is represented, and you’re not using it! (SoMe)
  • Advertising is not about eyeballs. It never should have been about eyeballs. It is about doing something. It is about engagement.
  • “but twitter is not a creditable source. “ No but the person who wrote it is.
  • The lines of PR and customer service are merging. You have to become a company the treats its customers and employees w/ respect.
  • Stop worrying about eyeballs and start caring about people. 
  • Ask for forgiveness not permission.

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7 Replies to “Stop Worrying About Eyeballs &Start Caring About People”

  1. Thanks for sharing this information and video. I wished that I could have listed to him first hand.

    1. It would have been great for the social media community to have known about this event. I am thankful that I was able to be there on short notice so that I could share the information!

  2. i was having some trouble thinking of how i’d start this comment, because i wanted to say, “i work with steve at booz allen” but technically i don’t. i work in a different office about 3-4 hours south of him (on a completely different team than steve) but we connect on twitter and yammer and other places online to the point where it at least *feels* like i work with him on a day-to-day basis.

    i think my ‘confusion’ about how to start this comment speaks volumes about what social media is and what it does. the fact that i feel like i work with steve, and that i know i can send a tweet or a ‘yam’ or post on his blog and get a reply is the value you get from social media.

    if i can feel like i work with steve, is it possible to feel like a part of a company or corporation because i communicate with them through social media? can i feel like a part of pepsi? can i feel like a part of volkswagen? i believe so.

    1. John: Thank you for your comments. I agree. There are so many people I “know” that I consider friends – that I have yet to meet. It is so powerful that I can talk to my peers, my mentors, my role models, and famous people – and they all talk back!

  3. Dana – thanks for posting here! It was a pleasure meeting you and SO many other fantastic teachers, students, and professionals from the Evansville area. I agree with John – I feel like I work with him daily, yet we’ve never met or worked with one another on a project. However, I feel like I know him better than some of my actual team members!

    I’m glad that you found my visit worthwhile – let me know if/when you’re ever in DC and I’ll introduce you to even more fantastic social media/communications/Gov 2.0 professionals!

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