You’re on a road trip.
You have :
- Snacks
- Drinks
- Maps
- Music
Why do you have those things? Because you planned ahead.
Going down that open road, ipod plugged in, endless hours of music ahead of you. But wait, that sign said “Gas this exit…next service 100 miles.” What do you do?
Do you just keep jammin’ and rollin’?
Do you look at your gas gage and quickly decide if you need to stop now or if you can make it.
If you don’t have enough, why on earth would you just keep rolling?But many people I know do!
Women are the WORST! They have jobs, are cooks and care givers, accountants, schedulers, taxi drivers, and more. Many that I know are constantly on the edge.
Another group I see with this characteristic is small business owners. They are notorious (myself included) for not wanting to let go. They refuse to delegate tasks that others are completely competent for and who would enjoy them.
It is this group that I find in an even more alarming situation. They are just out there driving. No map, no food, no direction. Every small business owner should have a business plan. They should have a financial plan (and a good accountant). They should have a social media plan that includes policy, goals and strategy.
Without a business plan you just got in your car and started driving. Not even deciding on a direction.
Without a financial plan, you just ignored that no service sign. You’re going to run out of gas.
Without a social media plan, you just go behind the wheel drunk.
Don’t let it spin out of control. Learn about what you’re doing, get a plan, and take action.
Friends don’t let friends be stupid on facebook.
BION I’m imrspesed! Cool post!
I’m not easily imrpessed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂