You know how a quote from a person long dead can sometimes apply to today’s current situation, even though nothing that involves the current situation was even invented at the time of the original speech?
I had one of those moments this past week.I was volunteering at Patchwork Central last week, and every day as we read “The Creed Official” out loud, I kept thinking how appropriately it fits our online lives.
“The Creed Official”
Listen and be safe
Online LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN… it’s never all about you. Listen for feedback and ideas from your customers. Listen to what people are saying about your competitors. Listen to what people need, and develop accordingly.
Follow directions and stay with your group
This is my favorite. Most online platforms have terms of service, or directions that you must follow. Many companies don’t follow the guidelines on facbook in particular.
Be nice and respectful
Yes, if a company truly deserves to be called out, call them out, but do so with respect. As BGKahuna said, Let’s Cut People Some Slack.
Use good manners
This is one I’ve wanted to touch on for a while. If someone talks to you, it’s good manners to reply. If they say or do something nice, it’s good manners to say thank you. Many businesses using social think it’s another way to share a message with its consumers, and it is. The difference is, consumers are talking back. Are you listening and using good manners, or ignoring the people who keep you in business?
Have a good attitude
No one likes a whiner. If you’re always telling the world how bad your life is, who would want to be near you? If your employees have a poor attitude online, what does that say about you and your company? (Do you even know what they’re saying?)
Be respectful of others’ art
This goes for any type of content. Don’t plagiarize someone’s blog, use photos without credit, or disrespect someone online. First, it just makes you look bad. Second, there can be very real and serious consequences.
Keep your hands to yourself
Don’t be a creeper. I tease many friends that they are “twitter voyeurs.” By this I mean they rarely tweet, they just use twitter to get news and updates. Don’t be creepy online.
Do your best and have fun
It doesn’t matter if you’re not great at composing tweets or blogs at first. Start small, ask for help, do your best, and have fun!
Use nice words – no cursing
I’ve seen people tweet their way out of a job because of the vulgarities of their twitter stream. I’ve seen teachers and youth leaders be poor examples to kids, with foul posts. Really, if you are trying to build your brand online, (See Branding Yourself for more on how to do that.) refrain from overly harsh language.