Yesterday was New Year Eve, and our anniversary. I spent the better part of my day in bed, reading tweets, facebook posts, blogs, and bouncing back and forth between several books. All this was accomplished while still taking many cat naps.
I wasn’t shy about answering the many times people asked “how are you feeling.” I watched as people dropped off line for a few hours as parties started, and held conversations with friends online that weren’t out on the town.
I mentioned in a recent post that I was seeking out other stone formers, and that I “Usually asked some questions, but did not make any real sparks. (People in pain are not real conversationalists.) “
So last night as I was about to ring in the new year, I reached out to several more people who mentioned kidney stones in their tweets. A spark was found. We exchanged a few comments and questions as we had both had our procedure the same day. She then tweeted me the best new years toast!
@DanaMNelson Toasting rx med w/ u 4 Happy New Year!
Thanks Patty for the best NYE toast!
As an update to yesterday’s post when I thought I had failed at my original task of this blog-a-thon, I received this comment:
“You did not fail! I blogged nearly every day and certainly would not have if it hadn’t been for you!”
This was from Mandy Bell Gregory. She has been blogging with us daily. Please check out her blog at:
BION I’m imrpessed! Cool post!
IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of thgins like that?