And the Facebook changes start…

Yesterday Mashable warned us about the major changes facebook will be rolling out at the f8 conference later this week.


Today we’re hit with two new changes. 

First, your posts can be 5000 characters long? Ok at that point, just write a blog post and share it on fb. Think about it, if what you have to say is so important, and takes that long to get your idea across, you will most likely want people to share this thought. I know a few people who post every bit of the previous post limit, what they will do with this new limit scares me.  I’m just not a fan of this first big change. 


And now, late this evening, there is a new message about how users will be consuming their news. What do you think about this first wave of changes? There will be more, so fasten your seat belts facebook friends, this might be a bumpy week.


2 Replies to “And the Facebook changes start…”

  1. I have tried to fix my newsfeed so that it has some resemblence to what I finally liked about the old newsfeed. I am lost. I like reading the ‘general’ pages that I have, like Positively Positive and now, I won’t have that appearing unless Facebook thinks it’s what we want to see. Now, I either have to like it, or ‘blue corner’ it to make sure that it appears.

    I’m liking other social media sites more and more.

  2. Woke this morning to the blue cornered items that Facebook thought I might like. Wish they’d stop trying to tell me what I like & don’t like. Not a fan!

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