5 Simple Things to Rev Up Your LinkedIn in 2011

Linkedin, remember it? The social network for grown ups.  Many people often under utilize this very rich resource for business connections. Here are some quick, simple, easy ways that you can rev up your LinkedIn profile.


#1 Update your bio on your LinkedIn profile While reading the book Branding Yourself – How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself by Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy, I was reminded I need to look at my LinkedIn profile. They pointed out “your bio needs to change and  update… in both written and verbal form” as your experience, skills, and accomplishments change. It’s a  new year,and  it’s a great time to reflect on your past year.

#2 Update all your current information Be sure to include any new online social platforms like a twitter account or a blog. Be sure your employer is current. Please be sure to list the e-mail that is best to contact you. I love it when I look up a professional’s e-mail on Linkedin so I can send them an important document and they have listed CurlyQ at yahoo dot com.

#3 Make sure to update your photograph Be sure to use a a professional head shot. Kyle and Eric remind us that LinkedIn is not the place to have a photo of yourself that’s unprofessional or worse yet – not have a photo at all. They compare not having your photo on Linkedin, the professional networking site, like going to a networking event with a mask on. What’s the point?

#4 Make it a point to update your connections on a regular basis After att

ending that networking event where you took your mask off, be sure to add those new connections to your LinkedIn connection.

#5 Give a recommendation Te easiest way to get a recommendation is to give one. The holiday season may be over but this is the time to be generous.

I love the way Linkedin can connect you to a variety of people all over to find common business and personal interests.  I met, via Twitter, Chris Husong. That led to our connection on other platforms like Linkedin. On Linkedin Chris Husong is a LION or Linkedin Open Networker.  Through Chris I met Clent Alexander, Owner of the San Diego Flash Professional Soccer Club. Clent had a great post today on his facebookstory about Linkedin:

“So my friend was looking for an attorney. I suggested he post a request on LinikedIn. He got a call from a guy, who knew a guy. He and the referral spoke on the phone. “Where are you located?”.  Turns out they’re in the same building, 6 suites down the hall from each other.
Conclusion: Sometimes the power of the internet can help you find someone 100 ft away!”

However you use Linkedin, to connect at home or around the globe, it’ll only work for you-


I’d love to hear your Linkedin story.

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