Recently, I’ve seen a surge in people wanting to get healthy. More of my friends are checking into the gym and posting pictures of their calories burned on those personal readers. Usually we see this spike in fitness consciousness around New Year’s. I am not sure what has sparked it in others but, I know what has sparked it in me.
I have 52 days to make a difference in my overall health. WHY? I need to be stronger — physically and mentally because having a medical procedure and wanting to be in the best shape possible. I got to thinking about it and came to realize that health is not just about my body. So I made a list of the areas of health I wanted to improve: Physical strength, nutritional health, mental health, household and office organization, spiritual health. None of these is an easy area to conquer.
Many of us have had an “I’m done living like this moment.” Maybe it was losing your keys or an important paper again. Maybe it was being out of breath before you hit the end of the block when you kids wanted to take a bike ride with you. Maybe it was not having anything to wear because every pair of pants you own gives you a muffin top. Like you, I have felt this way. I know the proper behaviors to take to be good, but somehow just can’t get it done.
At a retreat with Kimberly Delcoco, life and business coach, we set goals for ourselves and made dream boards or notebooks to help us visualize what those goals looked like at the end. But dreaming and visualizing are not enough, she said. We can’t go it alone. Think of your dream team. Who or what type of person do you need to make this happen? Personal trainer, nutritionist, organizational specialist, doctor, lawyer, priest… Who you need on your team depends on both your goals and personality.
So I have asked some key people to help me with this 52-day journey to an all-around healthier me. Bonnie Schnautz, CNHP, Kimberly Delcoco, Talina Norris-Ryder, Brenda Hughes, and Stacey Shanks, E-RYT, RCYT, just to name a few. But not just to help me. I asked them to help US to do this TOGETHER!
So join me over the next 52 days. Start small. Here is my start small goal list for the next 2 days:
1. Dink 1 more glass of water than I did yesterday.
2. Drink 1 less sweet drink (soda, lemonade, or tea).
3. Take 1 extra flight of stairs or park at the end of a parking lot and walk the extra distance.
4. Eat 2-3 more raw fruits or veggies over the day, than I did yesterday.
5. Remember to take my medications and vitamins.
6. Call, text, or post to a friend that I haven’t spoken to in at least 6 months and just say hi.
7. Give myself a beauty treat: facial mask, foot soak, deep sea scrub, cooling cucumber eye rest, be creative but be healthy and healing to my skin.
8. Pick up, sort and organize 1 drawer, cabinet or small space. Donate unused items and throw away clutter.
9. Start on 1 book for fun and 1 to learn something new.
10. Write. Write from my heart, to myself, to the air, to the universe.
Please let me know if you want to join us on this mission to strengthen our bodies and souls. Let me know if you have a skill and want to be a guest blogger to help me and others on the journey. Post both below! Remember don’t overwhelm yourself. Be realistic and know you are not alone in this.
I am all about this! I so need to be healthier in many areas of my life. Business, organization, friendships, and body are all places in my life that need some work. I would love to join your team. And maybe, down the road, I can be a guest blogger. One step at a time! Love it!
Dana, you have always been someone I admire ever since I meet you. Thank you so much for putting yourself on the line in public and inviting us to come along. I know the power of surrounding yourself with strong people and you have assembled an amazing team. I’d be a fool not to take advantage of all this wealth of knowledge. Thank you for letting me join you and to your friends for offering to help others.
I’m not sure what I can bring to the table. I an very good at supporting, encouraging, and being there to lend a hand or an ear. It would be fun if we got to meet each other sometime to. Maybe in a room at Central library or someplace like that.
Okay, gotta go work on my list. Hugs !
I have been in a tizzy for a long time. I’m in !
Im in… Thanks for the prompting!
Count me in! I have a big birthday this year and would like to be as healthy as possible when the clocks chimes… well, you don’t really want to know the exact number. So what is our next step? Let’s go!
You Can Donut.