Off the Wall

Because I use my social media for business, I have certain subjects that are considered “off-the-wall topics.” One of those subjects is health. I typically don’t post information about my health concerns or anything going on regarding the health of people in my family, other than the occasional headache or cold.

 At the end of last week, near the end of my day, and completely at the end of my rope, a wall in my house assaulted me. Very frustrated, and in pain,. I posted on my Facebook and twitter accounts. I was pretty sure I broke my foot. I put ice on it and went to bed. I received a call at midnight. When I checked my account, I was floored at the number of people who were concerned about my poor little foot. It’s a big deal, but it’s not a big deal. It was a big deal that people cared.

 Ever notice what happens with Facebook on your birthday? There is always a tremendous outpouring, because it is an easy and quick way to show people that you care, even if you forgot till that day. If you use social media for business, Facebook and Twitter are great resources for getting the inside information and personal details.  This helps you to show your compassionate side for your clients and vendors.  Several of the people that commented on my foot are people that I do business with on a regular basis.

They are listening to what I say. They care. This makes me more likely to be a brand advocate for them.

 Take the time to read some posts and comment on the good and the bad going on in the lives of the people that you’ve met. Use social media as a communication tool and stay connected.


14 years ago

Thought it was ironic that your banner has a foot and toes in it 🙂


14 years ago

I love the beach, nothing like sand it your toes. Walls are just not the same!

Let’s get REAL «

13 years ago

[…] of these topics is health. I don’t with the exception of my toe, which was not thought out, tweet or post about my health. I might mention a cough or a headache, […]


13 years ago

That’s way the beestst answer so far!


13 years ago

Wliakng in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!



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