You deal with people. People are your life and your passion. You live to serve, & to make a difference, but the restraints of money, time and your board of directors are draining your passion.
If this is remotely how you feel, I invite you to join us for “Almost There”… a book discussion group where we will read thru “Almost isn’t Good Enough” by Wayne Elsey. It will be well worth your time, & refresh & inspire your mission as a servant leader.
The details are not all set. We need to know how many people are intersted, and what their schedules will allow for a meeting time.
Here is what we do know:
- We will discuss the book and how it applies to YOUR situation.
- 10 people will get a free hard cover book.
- 5 people will get a free digital book.
- Everyone will get a free study guide.
- At the end we will have a live Google + hangout with Wayne.
- Will be held in the greater Evansville area*
- 6 weeks long with one 1.5 hour meeting per week
- It’s free to attend.
If you are interested, please fill out this quick form and you will be contacted with more information soon.
*If you are NOT in the greater Evansville area and would like to attend or host an Almost There book disscussion in your area please fill out this quick form. We are working on some exciting resources, and will get them to you just as soon as they are available.
I hope this goes well for you. Wish I lived closer so I could attend.
I would love to participate but am not in the area. If you decide to set something up via the Internet or other electronic means, please let me know. Best of luck!