I wasn’t as if I had been making the world or anything. I attended two meetings and ran a few quick errands. There was even at least one whole hour of lying down, full-blown rest time in there. But, yesterday completely wiped me out.
As luck would have it, today was a snow day and, even if I hadn’t been so tired, I would have stayed indoors anyway. Even if this had not been a snow day, I would have been stuck here. But I was most definitely not alone.
The Boys
I have two very entertaining boys who were not in school today. We enjoyed some time together, making and eating cookies, and watching Narnia, Prince Caspian.
The Friends
I had texts from concerned friends when they did not see me online. Ok, I’m either an addict or this is my career. I’m standing firm on the career, but there seems to be a slim line.
Twitter Love
I didn’t totally stay off line. I tweeted here and there and made a few Facebook posts. But again, I received both public and private requests asking how I was feeling. I was really hesitant about this Blog-a-thon and my choice to talk about this procedure openly. But it has brought me closer to some friends, brought me new ones, and even brought to light a need.
Finding support
I mentioned in the history of all of this that I have Medullary Sponge Kidney (MSK.) Through my efforts to reach out to others with Kidney Stones, I have found at least one other with this problem. I’m sure there are more, but I found a friend who truly understands the type and extent of my pain. How many people are out there suffering by timing mind-numbing drugs? How many doctors out there treat MSK like other stones and don’t look at other possible treatment options? Is research being done to find better ways to treat this condition? I don’t know any of these answers, but I know @LeeAase , Director, Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media. I’m asking him, and anyone in the medical field, specifically in urology or nephrology to comment on this post and connect with me, with us. We want to find out more. We want to do more. We want to be more than drugged up zombies.
I finally learned a few years ago that you just have to slow down your pace and accept that you can’t get back to full speed as quickly as you want to. My surgeon said he saw no problem with me traveling a week after gall bladder surgery. Well that just didn’t work out and I had to cancel with a client. Thank goodness he was understanding and we re-scheduled.
Just modify your pace and you will be back to full speed soon. Best of luck.
I know about finding support. I’m not a kidney disease expert, but I know some people who are. Let me see what I can find out.
Great cmoomn sense here. Wish I?d thought of that.
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