Review: iphone Shoot Out

A few months ago I was approached by Verizon to test some equipment.  I happily agreed. I was traveling to a 4G city and wanted to take it for a spin.  At the time they also offered me an iphone 4.

“No thanks I have one of those.”

LOVED the 4G goodies – more about them another time.

After returning the items, again they wanted me to try out an iphone 4.

“No thanks I have one of those.”

“But yours is AT&T. “



So for 3 weeks I forwarded my AT&T iphone 4 to my Verizon iphone 4 and put it to the test. I have been an AT&T customer for a very long time. I know everywhere AT&T drops calls. (And that’s quite a few places.)

For 3 weeks I called, I e-mailed, I texted, I tweeted, I posted on every platform. When I had down time, I played games.  I used, really used, that phone.

Not once… yeah, you AT&T people who drop calls while driving down the Lloyd heard me, not once did I drop a call. I went from Newburgh to USI, from the Lloyd up 164 and out Boonville New Harmony all the way to Highway41 and back again. Not once did I drop a call or have a complaint of voice quality.

Using the Wifi, both phones preformed about the same, with the exception of time spent finding a network. I could find and join networks much faster with the Verizon phone. Once connected, however there was no noticeable difference.

The big difference: Not being able to multi-task. On my AT&T iphone I can be carrying on a conversation, put the other person on speaker, and look up an address or event time on the web.  With the Verizon iphone you can’t be talking and use over the air internet.

So the big question is:

How much do you value undropped calls?

Everyone, even AT&T employees, know AT&T has customer service issues.  But over and over, as I dealt with local and national Verizon people I was always treated with kindness, and respect.

Is customer service important to you? Dropped calls Important to you? Then Verizon is the way to go.

Stuck with At&T?

On a side note; if you, like me, have an AT&T iphone and are “locked-in” to a contract, but want to make the jump to Verizon, E-bay is buying AT&T Iphones flat out. In most cases selling your AT&T phones will more than cover these pesky early termination penalties.

Thanks to Wireless Zone for the iskin case that protected my Verizon phone for this trial.






2 Replies to “Review: iphone Shoot Out”

  1. Thanks for the review Dana. My wife and I have been itching to get out of our AT&T contract, especially since the tower downtown was taken down months ago and has yet to be replaced.

    We attempted to sell my wife’s iPhone 4 directly to eBay like you mentioned, but we never received the box to put it in. So we ended up listing it on eBay to sell ourselves and got just over full retail value for it, $410, which is also more than double what eBay was going to give us. I would highly recommend testing that route first.

  2. Interesting. We’re tied up in AT&T contracts too. And AT&T internet and Uverse at home. I don’t get too many dropped calls up here in the “big city,” and I do enjoy the multi-tasking feature. But I have done a test drive of other Verizon phones (the Droids) and was really impressed.

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