As I mentioned yesterday I tried to reach out to others who were suffering in order to offer hope and encouragement. I didn’t really let me guard down, express the anxiety I was feeling, and talk about what I was going though.
Wednesday night I let my guard down. I privately DMed my pastor @DaleBeaver
“Please pray for peace/calm, starting to freak out.”
He replied within minutes with a Bible verse that was spot on what I needed to hear. I thought maybe others need to hear it too. So I thanked him and tweeted it publicly. As a side note for those who don’t know me: I am a Christ Follower, but I DO NOT post much “churchy” stuff. I hold more to the – practice kindness talk to people and show your love than the preach it method- that is just WHO I am.)
Much to my surprise this sparked several side conversations, and more DMs from other people. So I posted it on Facebook.
“THANK YOU!! To Dale Beaver who sent this to me via Twitter, at a moment of top stress about tomorrow. (I really NEEDED to hear it) Philippians 4:6-7 “
Again, this is WAY out of norm for me. What I found was more and more outpouring of love compassion and caring. Many more started telling me stories of things they have endured and things they have suffered. And more than one THANKED me. Thanked me for saying I was scared? This seemed off to me, for them to thank me for posting, I was the one who was getting what I needed to hear not them.
There is a difference
When we drop our guard, and let people see we are hurting, or in need of friendship, we find something more special than we could have imagined.
-we find true and new friends alike.
-we find a deeper understanding of people’s beliefs.
-we find out how highly we are valued as people, not for our work, but for who we are.
-we find that through our suffering we can encourage others to be brave.
If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one Pain
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.
This has made my day. I wish all psointgs were this good.