Fix that Annoying Facebook Multiple Person Messaging Notification

We’ve all been a victim to it. Someone is having a party, needs addresses, wants you to vote for something…and they do it by sending out a Facebook message to you and 25 or more of their friends.

The Problem?

The endless notifications when each of them replies and comments with “reply all.”

So let’s fix it.

At the top of the message there is an “actions” dropdown. If you click it you get a list like this.


Simply click “Mute Conversation.” Now you will get no more notifications, but can step back into it and read what’s been going on at your connivance.



If you decide later that you want back in on it and want to be notified, just simply click “unmute”


What else frustrates you? I have to write on something every day for the next 30 days. I might as well answer some questions.  Follow along with the other #WritingFor30 bloggers with that hashtag.

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