A year ago today my friend and Tweep Saundra Hadley lost her father. She turned to twitter as a way to express her grief. What she found in return was compassion.
She found that this “social media” was so much more than a broadcast channel. She was able to connect with real people in real time that were showing her compassion and caring, in her time of need. Here is her interview with Josh Breslow:
When I met her she was using it not only to stay connected with people who reached out to her, but has also found it a great way to do business.
She told me that it was the best peer- to peer networking that she has ever found.
Saundra, or @planningforever is the #1 twitter user in Evansville. She has a wide variety of topics that she posts –it is not all business. She is real, honest and funny.
So today on this #FollowFriday, I am not asking you to just follow her, I am asking a lot more:
- Follow @planning forever (No really add her to your twitter stream, but follow how she acts, watch how she engages, see how she uses it and follow her lead.)
- Reach out to her. One year ago she turned to twitter, twitter people give her some <3 today!
- Really listen to the people in your stream, reach out to someone else today who needs your encouragement.
Dana, you are too kind, thank you so much.
My twitter friends/biz relationships helped me the entire 15 days my father was in the hospital. Tweeting about it (in my usual dark sense of humor and sarcasm, don’t judge, it’s how I cope) was a release. Having people laugh, cry, and cyber hug me was a great distraction from the seriousness we were facing.
Twitter is more than just a goofy name, it is a community of people that if you build the relationships right, they can be there for you.
Caveat: Two days after my father died, my team had TWO weddings. Our clients never knew the grief I was going through.
I did the Fox 7 interview regarding Twitter 2 hours after I found out my husband was diagnosed with skin cancer. I smiled and carried through.
I don’t write that to brag, but to simply remind us all that we can rise and be a lot stronger than we ever knew we could be….and it’s mostly because of the support of our family and friends.
That’s really tihnnkig out of the box. Thanks!
I’m not easily ipmerssed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂