Don’t Wait

Last week, I did a vlog about rushing back into my life. I didn’t plan for this to take as long as it has; I’m supposed to be better by now. My schedule for January was pretty packed by mid-December. I did a bit of rearranging, and was able to clear a few weeks to have my procedures. This past Wednesday was the day that things started appearing on my calendar again. An event Wednesday night, TV spot Thursday morning, followed by speaking at a school, wrapping the day up with private corporate training. Apparently, it was a little too much in such a short amount of time.

That night, when I was telling my best friend about my day, he noticed a huge change in my voice and over all personality. That little glimmer of participating in my life as it was before had made me happy.

What if?

Tonight, a dear friend reminded me that there are others out there who are not going to recover. People with chronic pain, chronic illnesses that don’t get a chance to get their life back. “Could you imagine how it would be?” She said. How committed are you?Do you know if some of the things you’re doing can cause you harm? If you were able to take a glimpse into what it would be like to lose the lifestyle you have now, would you change your behavior? So many of us know that we participate in activities that are detrimental to our health and wellness, but yet we continue along these destructive paths in our lives.

What drives you?

Maybe the reason so many people don’t care about the outcome is because they don’t love what they do. I remember a time when I didn’t love what I did. I took the time to find my true values, and to make sure the work that I do is aligned with those values. Now, because I’m driven with purpose and a reason behind what I do, I have a much stronger desire to take the path of least, or at least, lesser destruction.

Don’t wait

I know what it feels like to love my life, and not be able to live it. If you have a behavior that you want or need to change, don’t wait until your lifestyle is taken from you to put it into perspective, do what you have to do now. Change what you have to change, and hold on to what you have.

I want to be Like Pooh

…Pooh, the most effortless Bear we’ve ever seen.
“Just how do you do it Pooh?”
“Do what?” asked Pooh.
“Become so effortless.”
” I don’t do much of anything,” he said.
” But all of those things of yours get done.”
” They just sort of happen,” he said.
“Wait a minute that reminds me of something from the Tao Te Ching,” I said, reaching for a book. Here it is, chapter thirty-seven. Translated, it reads something like “Tao does not do, but nothing is not done.”

When I first started doing the blog-a-thon, one of the first writers to pick up the gauntlet and run with me was @YogawithStyle, and one of her very first posts was from the Tao of Pooh. As luck would have it, I even had a copy of it on my desk that very same day. It’s an interesting little book relating to the art of Taoism and its translations to the life of Pooh, and translating them into Pooh-isms.

In reading the above passage, I often wonder if I could ever be like Pooh, and just be. I often catch myself worrying  about every detail of everything I’m trying to get done, and wonder, if I just take the time to be, would it all still get done?

Rushing Back to You


Now you know why I am itching to be back with you all, enjoying your company, teaching, speaking, laughing and loving the life that is mine.

Finding Post Christmas Joy

What makes you happy?

 Really happy?

Do you do it?

Do you do it enough?

So often in life we spend too much time doing things we hate, thinking we will be rewarded at some point.

For some people,  that works. They perform well in school, go to college, maybe post-grad, and are “successful” people.

For some there’s a twist that loops into an infinite cycle like a Moebius strip. They work nonstop, pull over time, and take work home. They’re trying to get by and to give to their family the things they think they deserve.

The flip side of this is what does their family want.  Ask them.  Do you know what they want more than toys, or nice cars?


 Time with you.  And if you think about it, what makes you happy?  Spending time with your family is probably at or near the top of the list.

This year don’t resolve to make more money or save enough to go on the dream vacation.

Make a promise to spend more time with your family, with your children. Take the time to play games and sit on the floor and play Barbie.

What you will accomplish for yourself, and for the world, is a more peaceful place in the long term.

Be Nice Challenge

Be nice today and every day. Take this challenge. No need to sign up or sign on, just tell yourself you’re willing to do it and challenge yourself to be better.


 Be nice to others and show you care.


  •  Post on other people’s walls or @mention them on twitter. Tell them something nice about their personality, congratulate on a milestone, wish happy birthday – or unbirthday
  • Comment on peoples posts. LISTEN to what people are saying and respond in a way that shows you care about them.
  • Share links or RT posts that help spread community events, or news.

 How long?

 I know you already don’t have time to do what you’re doing now. Do you have a purpose and a plan for what you are currently doing? Then take this plan. Take 10-15 this morning, every morning and be nice to others.


  •  Do not post anything about you, your company or what you are selling.
  •  Have fun
  •   Be nice!!

” A tiny spark can turn into a towering inferno… imagine what a little love and compassion can do.” Anonymous

I Met Peace Today

Many people search for peace. People look to other people for peace. People look to places for peace, and people look to institutions for peace

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a people person. I believe in surrounding yourself with people that encourage you, guide you, and inspire you. And I think there is peace in certain relationships.

 I have personally sought peace in places. I moved to the desert, seeking a peace that I felt there when I visited. Some people take spiritual journeys to places that they feel hold some sort of key to finding their peace: places like the great wall or Jerusalem. I believe sometimes peace can be found in following your heart to the places that it leads you.

Some people seek peace in institutions of religion, institutions of military and institutions of education. I truly believe that of all the places that we actually seek to find peace, perhaps within a religion or ideology are the places that we come closest.

But today I met Peace. Quite literally: I actually met a man whose name was PEACE.


That was my first reaction. But on the way home I got to thinking about the phrase that I shouted out after I met him.

 “I found peace!”

Do we really find it? I’ve known so many people that continually seek and are forever on this journey. They seek and they seek, but they’ve never found peace. I’ve known people who always seem at peace, no matter the situation. Many of those I know would say that peace comes from their religious beliefs. But I would like to consider that even further, especially to those who seek in terms of religion. Did you seek peace and find it? Or did it find you and introduce itself to you? Think about it, if you’re one of those people, can you look back and say: I met peace on that day and he has ben my friend ever since? I just met this person today, and maybe we will be friends, maybe not. But he did make me realize that far too often we seek peace, when we simply need to say, nice to make your acquaintance.