10 Apps for Business


This article appeared in the Print version of the Evansville Business Journal – October issue. 

More and more people are turning to smart phones for work and for personal reasons. This month let’s review some useful apps for the business world. Next moth we’ll highlight some of your favorite apps for personal use.

Most of these aren’t new, but for the new smartphone user, having a guide is helpful. E

ven seasoned users might get an idea or two on some ways to make working on the go more streamlined, more productive, and more efficient.

1.  Square – By far the favorite app of the business person who processes credit cards. The app is free, the device that allows you to scan credit cards using your smartphone is free, fast and easy to set up.  There’s a 2.75% per swipe fee, next day payout. (For a comparison, Paypal, which at this time only allows for web payments, costs 2.9% +$0.30 per transaction.)

2. Dropbox – Have your files anywhere you might need them. Store any type of file safely and securely.  For the tech geeks, it uses Sec


ure Sockets Layer (SSL) and AES-256 bit encryption.  It comes with 2GB of space to start with. You can pay for extra space, or get additional people to sign up.  When they do, you get more space for free. You can share files with co-workers down the hall or halfway around the globe.

3. Evernote – Similar to Dropbox in that you can have your files when you want them.  Evernote, however, has the added benefit of tags, searching, voice and video notes, and photo to text recognition. This means that if you snap a quick picture after the conference of the white board, you can later search your Evernote and items written in the photo will show up on search.

4. Stitcher – News is important in the business world. Stitcher allows you to have your favorite news radio, on demand with no tethering or syncing. It’s for most any type of radio so you can get your sports fix too.

5. TextExpander Touch – this great iphone only app allows you to type short phrases and it expands to pre set messages. “SMS5” would enter “Running late. Be there in 5.” This can be set up to run in any iphone apps that include TextExpander touch integration.

6. PasteBot– This is simply a clipboard manager that allows you to save and org

7. Hashable
– Many business owners are relying more and more on relationships built online. When asked what apps you use for business, many said Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. Hashable is a simple and easy to use tool to remember relationships. It allows you to save contacts, follow up, search relationships and more.anize all types of clips to be utilized in other applications.

8. Tripit– Smart, easy to use, and a must for the business traveler. Track all your travel information in one place.

9. Hootsuite – With social networks being a more frequent way to stay in touch with co-workers, employers, venders, customers, and potential clients, an app that can manage multiple accounts on multiple platforms is a great time saver.  Access and post to your Twitter, your business twitter, FourSquare, Linkedin, facebook personal and professional pages, WordPress, even your MySpace.

10. G+ – Google plus, with it’s easy of separation, is perfect for the business user. The app for this was not available for iphone until late July, but both android and iphone users love the key features that bring G+ to life on your smart phone.


Do you have apps you LOVE? Join us for the first ever Tri-State App Party. This event will be held October 27th at 5PM. It is free to attend. Come get ideas on apps to use with any of your devices, share your favorite app, and enjoy some yummy appetizers and prizes provided by our sponsors Wireless Zone and ChickFilaEvansville.com.  For more info please visit www.EvansvilleGirlGeekDinners.com (Please note that this event is not gender specific. The Girl Geeks are assisting with the set up, but all are welcome.)






2 Replies to “10 Apps for Business”

  1. Dana, great info. I use some of these, others I have marked to research to see how they might fit my needs. I might add that i use an iPad app called Writings http://www.writingsapp.com . It will sync with your Dropbox. It is great for taking notes at a meeting or writing drafts for blogs. As always, thanks for sharing great info with us.

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