Facebook Security

Facebook and Google. The’re pairing off in a PR-media-privacy battle that has us all asking: “What’s safe?” Top that off with a barrage of facebook hacks, you know, the ones that all your friends are getting that posts malicious links to your wall.

It’s enough to make you want to unplug altogether… almost.

But today facebook announced its new security measures that come from the new partnership with Web of Trust.  This new partnership will build on the measures that facebook already had in place. It’ll  “improve our system by providing additional bad links, and in the coming months, we expect to massively increase our coverage even more by working with other industry leaders. ”

Along with this new strategic alliance, they’re also improving on “Click-jacking protection,” and moving forward with new a new login approval system.

Even with the new system in place, keep your guard up, think before you click, and stay safe!


Click the photo to see the official facebook announcement.