This week I Begin a New Journey
This is my first week as an employee of Signarama Evansville. I have accepted a part time Marketing Coordinator position with them. My position is one that will grow and change as time goes on. That’s really how today’s successful businesses work; ever-changing. The few people I have told have all asked: “What will you be doing?” Then after answering with the simple answer, “web, social, digital, marketing and special projects,” I got almost the same response, “Duh.”
It’s What I do
What I do isn’t changing. I will still be teaching at the University of Southern Indiana, Northwest Kentucky Training Consortium, and my not yet really announced teaching partnership with Western Kentucky University. For my existing corporate clients, I will still be here, don’t worry. I will be very selective on any new corporate clients, but I like it that way.
Nothing New/Making Things New
I have been working with Signarama Evansville for years, teaching, training, consulting, reviewing, and strategizing. They have always been a good client. In this regard, not really a new thing. But coming into this position there are some areas of blank canvas. I will be doing some special projects and working on some really exciting things. I can’t wait to start making some of this canvas come to life and share it with you!
It Started With a Pen
I love the people at Signarama. I first met Debbie Valiant at an event I saw advertised on Facebook. I looked at who was attending and saw that she would be there. I didn’t know her, I just knew I was in the market for a pen. (I owned a computer consulting company at the time.) I sought her out and was quickly impressed not only with her, but the whole company. I love the people that work there already and I know a lot about the sign industry. Don’t get me wrong, I know I have a lot to learn going into a new field, but being with such remarkable people will make it an exciting and fun adventure! I consider myself lucky to work for this company, owned by the Valiants. They are a strong, caring company with values. (I’ve blogged about them before: Valiant Defined)
Let the adventure begin….