Reading with my eyes closed

I underwent the procedure to remove my stents today. The CT scan

was inconclusive so the hope was to remove the stents and see if that was the problem. As I mentioned before this is too soon for them to cone out. There are still lots of stone fragments that need to come out. Without


the stents this will be a painful process. I came home with aspirations of reading. I have three must reads in my possession.

Content rules by CC Chapman and Ann Handley.

Almost isn’t good enough by Wayne Elsey.

Branding Yourself by Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy.

What I have managed to do is bend the binding, mark myself up with my highlighter, and place a sleep scar on my face in the impression of a book corner. I have tried to read, but the medication has other plans for today.

So now I bid you all good night. (This post was written quickly before I fell asleep again and on my iPhone. )

DISCLOSURE:I borrowed the book Content Rules from our local Library, I purchased Almost Isn’t Good Enough from Amazon, and I was sent a free copy of Branding Yourself, because I bugged Erik to death, and because I will be reviewing it for our local Business journal.  The Links to each book are in fact affiliate links to my Amazon account, where if you click that link and purchase the book I am suppose to receive a small percent. (Big deal. Google it, order it from your local book seller, who cares as long as you invest in one or all of these books to enrich yourself.)

5 Replies to “Reading with my eyes closed”

  1. Hey Dana!

    Thank you so much for promoting Wayne’s book! I wanted to remind you that your copy provides 10 pairs of shoes to people around the world & you can select which country you want to send your shoes with the code in the back of the book! We hope you enjoy it & thanks for joining us in changing lives with the gift of shoes!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    Jeremy, S4S staff

  2. Hey Dana – I just ordered 2 copies of the book and LOVE Wayne’s blog and site. I’m anxious to read more about him and his work. I hear a calling for me to head back to Haiti this year – just not sure when. Thanks for sharing.

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