Well, I feel incredible. I have more energy, more brainpower, and I’m sleeping better. (This is a big deal, because I have never been a good sleeper. Ever. )
Have I been perfect?
No. But I tried, and that’s the important part. In some areas, I exceeded my expectations for my 10 things to do list. In the exercise area, I have been exercising three-to four times per week. I’ve taken bike rides alone and with my family, I’ve been working out at the Y, and I’ve been doing yoga.
In the spiritual area, I spent an amazing two days, learning and growing as a leader, surrounded by friends. It was simply amazing.
I have never been so fired up & focused on organizing. I did however, manage to take on the task of sorting through my other child’s clothes.
So what’s next?
I’m determined to keep trying diligently to hold to my original list of 10, creating for myself more healthy habits, and adding this new list:
1. Continue my task of building endurance on my bicycle, by riding three or four times per week.
2. Add a few core strengthening exercises on my TheraBall.
3. Find a way to pay forward, gifts of grace and mercy that have been bestowed upon me in the past.
4. Find time to read outside for at least an hour per day
5. Go out of my way to call, write, or connect in some way to an estranged family member. (Or two.)
6. Fill a box with things that will bless someone else, and give it to them.
7. Find and cook one new healthy recipe. (This is sparked by my new and bad obsession. I learned how to make homemade caramel from chef & caterer Cindy Vescovi! – It was so good, but didn’t fit well into my being good plan!)
8. Make an effort to find a way to simplify my life in at least two ways. (Again, suggestions welcomed.)
9. Go on a date with my husband.
10. Play a board game with my kids.
This is my list, I welcome you to use it or make your own. But follow with me on this journey, to make our lives better, physically, mentally and spiritually. I am really excited about upcoming posts from my team, with advice in every area of this journey. Be watching.
Thank you for the post.
Thanks for the post.
and sweating it out like crazy! I have 6 days till we leave to Maui and I want to feel good while lying on the beach My back is ALL BETTER, so glad I took a week of to recover and I am actually more motivated then ever!