People Skills

Today’s blog is a guest post from my son who turns eight today. He had a writing prompt in school asking him to write about a valuable lesson he has learned.

I was reading it again, and while, yes it is the miss spelled, run on sentence, hard to read scribbles of child, it is a valuable lesson for us all:


Take a moment read his philosophy and find a way to apply it today.


Learning to get along was a valuable lesson because later in life you might need people skills. Like if you’re having a fight and it gets intense, some people skills  are be nice to others, obey your parents, respect your elders, and those are only a small amount. So, BE NICE!



Go on…. Go be nice and use good people skills!  


2 Replies to “People Skills”

  1. It’s difficult to go wrong with this type of worldview. Whether you are 8 or 48. It’s good to see that he’s thinking “big picture” already. Way to go, mom and dad!

  2. How insightful! I am so glad that he knows how important it is to have “people skills” as our world becomes even more dependent on technology.

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