Doctors sometimes have a hard time being the patient. After they have the experience they usually have more compassion toward their patients.
I had recently upgraded my main work computer to a custom built machine to run all the programs I need to run (all at once). I Love my new machine. My machine has suffered an anomaly and is not functional at this time.
I PREACH to my clients, friends and family:: BACK UP YOUR DATA!!! I now have a new message. If you, for your business run any sort of industry specific software that has specific requirements of your hardware, and you can’t function without that software, then get a secondary machine that is capable of running that software. I have my data backed up. And I can do the day to day things, but I have several applications that are on hold.
So about that compassion. I am also the last one to get tech help. I extend the knowledge base and service of my team out to my customers to ensure that their networks are running, that new systems we are setting up are on schedule. At the end of the day, whatever time is left… has been dedicated to the diagnosis and repair of my machine.
To my customers who have lost data, and whose work and life was on hold while data recovery was executed…
To my customers who have lost hardware, and whose work and life was on hold while we waited for parts to come…
To my customers who have lost network components, and whose work and life was on hold while we waited for outside vendors…
To anyone who has suffered because of a loss of technology that had become a additction…
I feel your pain…I understand.. I have a greater compassion for you.
The loss of digital data and hardware should be ranked in the top ten things that stress people out in life. It’s devestating.
Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real eexrpt.
Ppl like you get all the brians. I just get to say thanks for he answer.